Saturday, March 27, 2010

Master Makeover Part I: Inspiration & Paint

One big project that we're working on (v e r y   s l o w l y) is our master bedroom.  I want to paint the walls and change out our bedroom furniture.  This makeover, however, is going to take some time.  So, let's start at step 1--be inspired!  CHECK!

These two bedrooms below have inspired me and I look at them at least once a day! 

This first picture exudes clean, crisp, and calm vibes!  All vibes I want our master bedroom to give off.  A place to relax at the end of a long day.  Almost like a 5-star hotel feel.  But, at the same time...

We want the room to have a "comfortable to live here/cozy" feeling which I think this picture definitely has. 

So, check for inspiration.  Step 2--pick a wall color!  

I am really enjoying the medium blue tone on the wall, the question though is what shade of blue...who knew there were so many options in the blue hue?!! WHEW!  So now our bedroom wall looks like this...

 the colors aren't showing accurately with the flash from the camera

We're testing out paint colors galore for a wall color.  So, stuck in step 2 for a while but stay tuned!!  

Trying to decide which blue hue to do,

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