Monday, June 7, 2010

Weekend & More To Come...

Why oh why do the days that begin with F and S go by so quickly?!  The weekend has come and gone but I thought I'd share a few highlights from my fun weekend...

 1. Costco & Target Trip!!  
which means TONS of Dove (for me), Irish Spring (for Troy), tissue, paper towels, and washing detergent to last us for at least 3 months!

2. Parents Visit!! 

My mom of course had to pose for at least one photo!

Hole In One Victories 
(note I had a hole in one but Troy's picture of me was SO blurry I couldn't use it. We had to use my iPhone for pics.  I left my camera at home!)

Dance Machine


And A Little Motorcycle Riding 
(the ONLY way you'll ever see me on a motorcyle--one that's nailed to the ground!)


So, I admit, I am just now breaking out a few of our kitchen wedding gifts now that we have a kitchen that can house fancy gadgets (i.e. since we've moved we've unboxed our electric skillet, electric rice cooker, and now our blender!)  While at Costco I tasted a yummy smoothie and bought a bag of Yoplait smoothie packs!  And Saturday night, after putt putt, we came home and I made some for everyone!  DELICIOUS & nutritious!  I'm going to try to make them for breakfast in the weeks to come. Pretty excited!

Stay tuned for the dining room reveal.  It's taking so long because we keep ordering or buying curtains that do not work with the vision I have for that room.  We just received our latest curtains on Thursday so hopefully they'll be up sometime this week and I can get a picture of the dining room with the new paint, table, curtains, and table decor!  ALSO, our vacation pictures have been put on a disk and we plan to pick those up from the store this week so stay tuned for some fun posts at some point within the next seven days!

Hope you had an excellent weekend,

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