Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Program...

Let's take a look at the office and how much that room has changed.  When we first visited the house this was immediately Troy's favorite room.  We learned that this used to be a screened in porch that was later closed in.  I thought it'd make a great library and Troy wanted it to be an office so we were pretty much on the same page.  It's definitely one of our favorite rooms in the house! I think aside from the basement, it's Troy's favorite room for sure!

Unfortunately, I have not done a good job of taking pictures over time so the pictures below jump from the beginning to now.  So no fun over time pictures.  Here's how the room looked before we purchased the house...

Just a plain room with two chairs and a painting on the wall.  We didn't change the paint color because it's a great neutral tone.  Here's how the office looks today...

Because the room is so small I decided to make a little video to give you a better idea of what the office looks like.  You can watch below or here on YouTube. 

Now that you've seen the office, let's talk about the things that I need to do.  Not as much as in the living room!
  • Small square table under window.  That will hold the wireless printer which is on our "to buy" list.  I'm waiting to finish our bedroom because the table that will go in the office is currently being used there.  
  • Hem curtains.  That one speaks for itself!
  • Bookshelf tops.  Still trying to figure out what to do on top of each bookshelf.  Stay tuned...
  • Side nook.  Figure out what in the world to do in that nook/cubby I showed you.
  • Mirror hanging above ottoman.  I really like round mirrors and thought adding one would add to the cozy feel in that room! It's so cozy in there at night!
  • Desktop.  In the long run would love to get a mac desktop!
That's about it folks!! Stay tuned, the guest bathroom is next on the tour!

Room by room,

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