Monday, June 21, 2010

Easy Bake Oven: Blueberry Quick Bread with Orange Glaze

Nah, I didn't pull a throw back to one of my favorite childhood toys, but last week I made a yummy blueberry quick bread that was quite easy since it came from the box.  The adventure part, however, was the glaze I made--my very first glaze!! And it was SO easy, I'm sure MANY glazed yummies are in my future!

Blueberry Quick Bread:
boxed blue berry muffin mix
fresh blueberries (some box mixes come with canned blueberries)
eggs (box will tell you how many)
milk (box will tell you how much)
virgin olive oil (box will tell you how much)

bread pan 

Orange Glaze:
2 tablespoons orange juice
3/4 cup powdered sugar

Step by Step:
1. Make blueberry bread according to box directions.
2. Bake.
3. Allow bread to cool 30 minutes.
4. Remove bread from bread pan. Cool additional hour.
5. Glaze. whisk orange juice and powdered sugar in a mixing bowl.
6. Pour glaze over bread.


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